Pathways Allocation

Pathways Awardees

The National Science Foundation approved allocations of supercomputing time on Frontera to the following Pathway projects, each running for a year. Pathways allocations are designed to provide compute time to science teams with a strong scientific justification for access to a leadership-class computing resource. Successful applicants will use the allocation award to work with the Frontera team to scale their codes in order to effectively use the system.

2024 Awardees

Title Principal Investigator Organization
Fundamental and Applied Studies of Turbulent Flow Phenomena in the Environment Marco Giometto Columbia University
Structure and Dynamics of Highly Turbulent Premixed Combustion Peter Hamlington University of Colorado Boulder
Quantifying Fragmentation of Shear-Thinning Retardant Plumes using VOF-based Direct Numerical Simulations: Insights into the physics of aerial retardant drop on wildfires Som Dutta Utah State University
Predictive Excited-State Calculations for Solids using Many Body Perturbation Theory Based and Optimally Tuned Range Separated Hybrid Functionals Jeffrey Neaton University of California Berkeley
Topographic control of the geodynamo Michael Calkins University of Colorado Boulder
Investigating liquid-liquid phase separation in nucleic acids and FUS, water mediated interaction between Glycans and effect of cell size polydispersity on embryonic tissue viscosity, using Molecular Dynamics simulations Devarajan Thirumalai University of Texas at Austin
Ab initio nuclear structure and reactions for light to medium-mass nuclei Kristina Launey Louisiana State University
Exploring Nuclear Quantum Entanglement and Reactions via Ab Initio Calculations Alexis Mercenne Louisiana State University
Nuclear reactions modeling for the FRIB era Grigor Sargsyan Michigan State University

2023 Awardees

Title Principal Investigator Organization
AI-Guided Minibinder Design David Baker University of Washington
Exploring the Impact of Ionization and Cosmic-Ray Feedback on Star Formation Stella Offner University of Texas at Austin
Kinetic simulations of collisionless shocks: large scale shocks evolution and particle acceleration Anatoly Spitkovsky Princeton University
Unraveling Solar Wind Variations in the Last Solar Cycle Using Global MHD Simulations Zhenguang Huang University of Michigan
Investigate large earthquake activities along the Southern San Andreas fault and potential triggering effects using earthquake cycle simulations Zhen Liu Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Discrete Element Modeling of Shear Zones and Fault Rupture Hazards Fernando Garcia University of Michigan
Lightweight Communication Library at Scale Marc Snir University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Atomistic Simulations of Aromatic Motif Structure and Filtration Relationships of Polyamide Barrier Layers in Reverse Osmosis Membranes Benjamin Hsiao Stony Brook University
Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulations of Reacting Flows and Droplet Aero-breakup in Hypersonic Flow Christoph Brehm University of Maryland College Park
Reproducible preprocessing of open neuroimaging data Russell Poldrack Stanford University
Prediction of functional defect properties in materials for clean energy applications Bilge Yildiz Massachusetts Institute of Technology
First-principles Study on Strongly Correlated and Energy Storage Materials Xin Li Harvard University
First-Principles Studies of Excited-State Phenomena in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Materials Felipe Jornada Stanford University
Optimization of Plasma Chemistry Modeling for Etching Processes of Semiconductor Devices via Deep Learning Roberto Longo Pazos Tokyo Electron Limited USA
Coupling between phonons and correlated electronic excitations from first-principles GW-based approaches Zhenglu Li University of Southern California
Ab initio computation of rare-earth doped semiconductor and oxide materials for quantum information science Durga Paudyal US Department of Energy Ames Laboratory
Quantifying seismic hazard from full and partial margin megathrust earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest using 3D ground motion simulations Audrey Dunham University of Washington
R-Matrix with Time Dependence Calculations for Ultrafast Atomic Processes in Strong Laser Fields Kathryn Hamilton University of Colorado Denver
First-principles study of many-body interactions and excited-state properties in two-dimensional Diana Qiu Yale University
Numerical Relativity simulations for strong-field tests of gravity Helvi Witek University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
PIC Simulations of Relativistic Jets with Toroidal Magnetic Fields Athina Meli North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Simulating the common envelope phase of binary stars up to termination Eric Blackman University of Rochester
The Dust Between Us and the Big Bang David Collins Florida State University
The Role of Land Surface Variability and Change in Modulating the Variability and Predictability of Precipitation Extremes James Kinter George Mason University
Simulation Study of the Interactions between Iron Oxide Nanoparticle and Metal-reducing Proteins Tao Wei University of South Carolina
Plasma assisted igntion of hydrocarbon mixtures in turbulent flows Fabrizio Bisetti University of Texas at Austin
Full-field Temperature Recovery during Water Quenching Processes via Physics-informed Machine Learning Jinhui Yan University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Computational Design of Hydrogen-Resistant Metal Alloys Konstantin Klyukin Auburn University
Simulating Materials Microstructure Evolution with Convolutional and Graph Neural Networks Ming Tang Rice University
2D UWBG / quantum heterostructures for RF and power electronics Efthimios Kaxiras Harvard University
Model-constrained deep learning methods for large-scale complex science and engineering problems Tan Bui University of Texas at Austin
High Fidelity Hurricane Storm Surge and Ocean Modeling Jennifer Proft Oden Institute, UT Austin
Simulating slab-plume interaction with realistic mantle convection models Dave Stegman University of California San Diego
Multiscale physics for next generation earthquake simulations Alice Gabriel University of California San Diego
Integrating the effect of equilibrium and meta-stable phase transitions in subduction dynamics simulations Magali Billen University of California Davis
Exploration of the Energy Landscape of Nisin-Membrane Interaction Ulrich Hansmann University of Oklahoma
Molecular dynamics of the human papillomavirus type 16 capsid to identify novel drug targets Jodi Hadden-Perilla University of Delaware
High Precision for Gravitational-Wave Physics Zvi Bern University of California Los Angeles
Alfven wave parametric decay Feiyu Li New Mexico Consortium
Particle heating and acceleration in relativistic plasma turbulence Vadim Roytershteyn Space Science Institute
Pion Polarizability and Lattice QCD Walter Wilcox Baylor University
Spring Land Surface and Subsurface Temperature Anomalies and Subsequent Downstream Late Spring-Summer Droughts/Floods in North America and East Asia Yongkang Xue University of California Los Angeles
DFT- and ML-Based Mechanistic Analysis of the Roles of Novel Base Metal Complexes in Stereoselective Catalytic Transformations Oleg Larionov University of Texas at San Antonio
Correlated Effect in Twisted Materials Allan MacDonald University of Texas at Austin
The Earth's Global Magnetic Reconnection Configuration and Cusp Ion Signatures Brandon Burkholder University of Maryland Baltimore County
Unveiling the mechanism of alpha-synuclein aggregation and prevention with small molecules using molecular dynamics Surl Hee Ahn University of California Davis
Advancing Predictive Capability of High-throughput Methods for Drug Discovery Darrin York Rutgers University
Simulations of Meteor Plasma Turbulence 2023-2024 Meers Oppenheim Boston University
Advanced Signal Processing and Machine Learning to Detect RNA Tails on DNA using 2D Nanopore Sensor Jean-Pierre Leburton University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Numerical simulations of Rayleigh-Bénard sheared convection, and of turbulent convection in stars of spectral types from A to F Michael Montgomery University of Texas at Austin
Spectral function database for quantum materials using first principles calculations David Vanderbilt Rutgers University
Nanocomposite Sensors Research Eric Fahrenthold University of Texas at Austin
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics - Community Code Scaling Lorraine Hwang University of California Davis
The role of flocculation in building land in river deltas — Theory of microscale processes and its impact on macroscale modeling at the Mississippi Delta Michael Lamb California Institute of Technology
Merging Magnetized Neutron Stars with Neutrino Transport Steven Liebling Long Island University
Sputtering of Graphitic Structures for Lifetime Estimates of Space Propulsion System Huck Beng Chew University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
SwitchIT: Pushing the Limits of computational Rovibrational Molecular Spectroscopy Simultaneously with Respect to System Size, Convergence Accuracy, and Number of Computed States Bill Poirier Texas Tech University
Systematic Predictions for Dynamical Signatures of New Dark Matter Physics in Galaxies Lina Necib Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of beta-1 adrenergic receptor biased signaling via all-atom molecular dynamics simulations Igor Vorobyov University of California Davis
Swirl-stabilized hydrogen combustion numerical simulation Paul Palies University of Tennessee Knoxville
A Systematic Study of How AGN Feedback Regulates the Black Hole Accretion in Early Protogalaxies Kung-Yi Su Harvard University
Screening proto-drugs against novel therapeutic targets for cancer Bruce Beutler University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Subseasonal to Interannual Prediction Experiments with the Unified Forecast System (UFS) Benjamin Cash George Mason University
Investigate Atomistic Mechanism of Phase Transition and Plasticity in Silicon Nanostructures Wei Gao Texas A&M University
Improving beam quality in laser wakefield acceleration Lance Labun University of Texas at Austin
Reduced models for stellarator turbulence Gabriele Merlo University of Texas at Austin
Continent-scale In SAR velocity fields for volcanology and tectonics Falk Amelung University of Miami
Using multiscale mantle convection modeling to understand the physics of plate boundary evolution and tectonic surface deformation Thorsten Becker University of Texas at Austin
Multi-scale Analysis of Congo Basin Precipitation: Understanding the Regional Rainfall Climatology and the Potential for Change Kerry Cook University of Texas at Austin
Interfacial turbulence modeling in environmental flows Marcelo Garcia University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Advanced simulations of train derailments to assess the tank cars conditional probability of release Paolo Gardoni University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
High-performance computational approach to improve cardiac interventional predictability Vijay Govindarajan University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Structure and Dynamics of Highly Turbulent Premixed Combustion Peter Hamlington University of Colorado Boulder
Research and development of methods for many-body electronic structure theory and applications in FHI-aims Uthpala Herath Duke University
Flow-induced configurational microphase separation and crystallization in polydisperse entangled polyethylene under planar elongational flow Bamin Khomami University of Tennessee Knoxville
Ab initio nuclear structure and reactions for light to medium-mass nuclei Kristina Launey Louisiana State University
Magnetic Reconnection Localized in the Dawn-Dusk Direction of Earth's Magnetotail YiHsin Liu Dartmouth College
An accelerated path to a Negative Triangularity tokamak reactor using first principle models Alessandro Marinoni Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Exploring Entanglement in Ab Initio Calculations of Atomic Nuclei Alexis Mercenne Louisiana State University
Predictive Excited-State Calculations for Solidsusing Many Body Perturbation Theory Based and Optimally Tuned Range Separated Hybrid Functionals Jeffrey Neaton University of California Berkeley
Studies of Circumbinary Accretionon to Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Full General Relativity Vasileios Paschalidis University of Arizona
Therapeutic Peptides Design for COVID-19 Treatment Using High-Performance Computing at TACC Baofu Qiao City University of New York
Calculation of electron collisions with molecular targets using the convergent close-coupling method Barry Schneider National Institute of Standards and Technology
Studies In Theoretical Astrophysics and General Relativity Stuart L. Shapiro University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
BioPathways: Computational studies of novel microbial membrane exporter proteins Hedieh Torabifard University of Texas at Dallas
Seamless coupled hydrologic-hydrodynamic simulations using a next-generation community model Joseph Zhang Virginia Institute of Marine Science

View/Download PDF Versions of LSCP and Pathways Awardee Project Abstracts

2024 Awardee Abstracts
February 2024

2023 Awardee Abstracts
December 2023 | August 2023 | May 2023 | February 2023

2022 Awardee Abstracts
November 2022 | August 2022 | May 2022 | February 2022

2021 Awardee Abstracts
November 2021 | August 2021 | May 2021 | April 2021 | January 2021

2020 Awardee Abstracts
October 2020 | July 2020 | April 2020